Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Re: Sharepoint Variations: Not what I am looking for?

I posted this question to MSDN forum. And Below is the answer.

“Actually when the page is published it creates a new minor version in all sub variations. It's not overwriting any translated content, because it is a different version of that page.
It's then up to the owner of the content in that target variation to merge any changes into translated content. That's not something you can do by machine, so it's handled by versioning.”

Yes! You are absolutely right. There, you really sometimes find what you are looking for.

Then if the story is really like what I was telling you, just one typo in English, all you have to do at those target sites is to restore the previous version.
Actually, we should not be forced to do this though… There should be a way to correct English typo without affecting others… wait a minute… there may be a way…
I will have a look and report what I found here.

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