Friday, April 24, 2009

Customize list form (cont.)

I wrote on this topic a little bit in the past.

The motivation at that time was, and still is to evaluate, to see what it can, how easily, and what not.
The thing that I picked up (some functionality of the web site to implement using this technique) was the feedback form (I have to have it anyway in one way or another).
The challenges were:
1. It sends an email message. The address is given.
# The current form takes the address from QueryString. With the new SharePoint based website, you find it in the PropertyBag of each site. So idealy, depending on where a link to the feedback is clicked, when it is opened, it should already knows where to send email.
2. An anonymous visitor can give him/her feedback.

For the email, I used the SPD Workflow.
The first prototype takes the address from QueryString, just like our current form. I do not think I can get it from the site’s PropertyBag unless I make the form as an Application Page with code behind.
With some JavaScript, I pick up the email from QueryString and set to a field of the list. You can send a message to it from Workflow.
Nice. Done. (I thought…)

Then, I realized that I can not access the custom insert form of the list anonymously.
After having spent sometime, I now guess that it is probably because the site being in the lockdown mode.
OK, then, I can make it as a page under the Pages library.

An error. “The data source control failed to execute the insert command.”
Again spent time on the net to find someone say the following.
“I’m finding out that the dealbreaker with anonymous access is the association with the SPD created workflow. … Design a workflow and associate it with the list and the form will bomb any time that the workflow is initiated.”

This person ended up doing it with an Application Page with code behind. I guess I would follow the path…

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