Friday, September 5, 2008

Need to switch off local Firewall to allow passive mode FTP?

With IIS7, it is possible to specify a data port range of passive FTP.
This should be a good news for some Firewall administrators.

# I do not know if is was already possible with IIS6. I have never tried to have a serious FTP service on a Windows box.

However, I have the impression that we can not open a range of ports with the Windows local firewall.
Ridiculously, you can only specify a single number…

OK, then what about adding a program to the exception? The deamon process servicing FTP.
You know? With 2008, it appears that many services are running with just one executable, SVCHOST.EXE.
So for example,

C:\>tasklist /SVC
Image Name PID Services

svchost.exe 2880 ftpsvc

is the one for FTP I think.

But then if I try to add it to the exception, the system complains. OK, understand, it is almost the same as switching the firewall off…

So, after all this, my conclusion for the moment is that we switch off the local firewall to allow (default for many FTP clients I think) FTP Passive mode.

Follow-up on October 1, 2008:
Found a commnad to issue to “Activate firewall application filter for FTP (aka Stateful FTP) that will dynamically open ports for data connections”.

Hide Root web from Breadcrumb navigation

I do not think I am the only one who suffered from this.
If you use the Variations technique to do a multi-lingual site and you want to have a Breadcrumb navigation there.
Then, what you get is: root web > Home > site1 …

But actually you do not want the “root web” AT ALL.
With the Variations, it is just a redirection to one of the Variations root, depending on language setting of the user.
If I have my PC setup language being to French, I get: root web > Accueil > site1 … # “Accueil” means “Home”. It is our top page for French speakers.
So to me, the “root web” appearing there is completely stupid.

I thought it is an everybody’s problem but could not find anybody have come to solve it. I needed to find one myself. Here it is.

I extended the builtin PortalSiteMapProvider, overriding its method GetParentNode() so it returns null for those Variations root node; Home, Accueil etc.