Tuesday, May 26, 2009

IIS7 Application Request Routing

While the memory is still fresh…

URL rewrite and/or Reverse Proxy on IIS.
If I am not wrong, it was not possible up to IIS6 i.e. windows 2003, unless you buy a third party tool (which has been our case) or develop something in-house.
Now It has got everything.

I stalled the module (plug-in?) called Application Request Routing.
One small note. When you install it with the version 1.0 installation exe, it installs also the URL Rewrite module, the version 1.0.
It went fine on w2008, the original revision (does the R stand for Rivision?) but not on R2.
I had to install the URL Rewrite module v1.1 separately.

BTW, do we all know what CTP stand for?
The install instruction says that I need to first uninstall the CTP1, if I have. ???
I googled it and found that it is Community Technical Preview, I think.

When I try to install the AAR (Application Request Routing), I had already URL Rewrite v1.1 installed, then found that it does not do reverse proxy.
Since it was not the “CTP”, I did not see it written anywhere, so I went on installing AAR and failed.

Anyway, once you have got it installed, the rest was quite easy. (for me. The goal that I was tasked this time was quite simple. Reverse proxy everything to a given host.)

I created the server farm (of in fact the one host). A pop-up came and said that it would create the routing rule for me. It was just fine. It has turned out to be it.

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