Friday, June 29, 2012

Java Versioning

I am not a Java programmer, at least for last five or so years. So when I find the system requirement of some software that I need to install say it requires JRE version XX or higher, I am not so existed.

Their versioning, and naming as well, are confusing.

I think I did a bit of research on it before, but find what I learnt back then nowhere now. So this time again, did some Googling and found this This clears things out to a certain extent.

Another possibly very useful pointer would be

For instance, today, I was looking for JRE 1.6 update 17. According to the explanation, I should find what I am looking for under “Java SE 6”. And the “Java SE Runtime Environment 6u17” found on the next page opened must be the one.

But again, what is this “6u17”? “Update 17 for Java (1.)6”? OK... But I believe they are trying to confuse us deliberately...

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