Friday, November 7, 2008

My first experience with Subversion

On the Subversion server, I did:
- Create a folder for my repository, and
- Did TortoiseSVN “Create repository here …” on the folder.
This should be the equivalent of doing DOS> svnadmin create (path to the folder).

And on my PC,
- Create a folder structure in a temporal location, in the way that I want to organize my projects like below.
Category1\ Project1-1\ trunck
Project1-2\ trunk
Category2\ Project2-1\ trunk
- Then, import those Categories, specifying the repository’s URL i.e. http://(svn server)/svn/(repository)/.

I wanted to organize projects in categories in one repository, but seems they are igonored when I imported.
What created in the repository are only the projects, in flat structure, no categories…

Then, finally I import my VisualStudio solutions and projects as follows, always on my PC.
For each,
- Import the VS solution, specifying this time URL of the project’s trunk folder i.e. http://(svn server)/svn/(repository)/(project)/trunk.
# my categories were completely ignored…

Here is how to make changes into those projects, and save back into svn.
- First, I need to checkout the VS project from svn, into an empty folder of the name of the project.
# I can not make the change directly into the project from which I did the intial import.
- Then, make whatever modifications I need to do.
- Next, I could verify if nobody else has changed the project in the meantime, with check for modifications, or update.
- Finally, I commit the project.

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